Animal Success Stories

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Buffy (bonded with Diana)

Our King Street Cats Linus and Lucy (Buffy and Diana) just turned three, and we thought you might like to see some photos. We love them lots and are super grateful to KSC for sending them our way. Their personalities are very different, and they love to fight over the prime nap spots, but eventually they wear themselves out and show that sibling love. The handmade beds we bought at the fundraiser at Robcyn’s two weeks ago were a huge hit, as you can see! Lucy (tortie) loves to play kibble hockey on the kitchen floor and LOUDLY demand belly rubs on the cat tree in our bedroom, with no regard to mom and dad’s grueling work from home schedule. Linus (tabby) thinks mom is much better at playing “byrb” (feather on stick) than dad, but he’ll take any attention he can get. Thank you again KSC and keep up the great work you do!