Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Kikiko I was a little worried at how she would act when she got to a new home but after a quick scan of my apartment, she settled herself right in. She's lit up my life with her sweet temperament and hilarious personality. She loves to jump up and meet people's hands as they bend down to pet her, she lays at the end of my bed and when my alarm goes off she runs up to me to lick my face (she loves licking people's faces strangely enough) and she runs to the door to greet me everyday when I come home. She really is a perfect cat. I'm still trying to convince her wet food is good but even when I mix it with the dry she's not having it. I'll keep trying though. She also loves to be brushed, play with toys and dash around my apartment at top speed from chairs to tables to chairs to her cat food bowl in the kitchen, leaving me laughing too hard to scold her for being on the table. I'm very happy I went to KSC and found Nora, not only because she's a great cat but also because I'm happy to have saved a life. I hope all the cats are able to find happy homes and wish I could have saved more. Thank you for all the work you do and for introducing me to Nora. I'll be sure to send more pictures and updates as she grows older. |