Animal Success Stories

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Tweedle Dee

When I first met Pamina (fka Tweedle Dee), she was sweet, but obviously very nervous and shy. I had an instant connection with her, and knew quickly she was the kitty for me. Even when I adopted her, one of the volunteers, although happy she was going home, cautiously let me know that she'd never chosen to leave her cage during her entire time there, and although she hoped she would relax in a new, stable environment, it wasn't for sure. I knew patience would be a big part of helping her feel comfy in her new home, but even I worried a little when, after a whole month, she still would hardly come out from under the couch at all. It has taken time, and she still has a cautious temperament, but these days, she loves basking in the sunshine, playing with her toys, getting pets, and generally following me around the house. I'm so thankful to KSC, because I think a kitty with her personality might not have had the chance at adoption at more traditional shelters.