Animal Success Stories

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Jordy joined our family less than three weeks ago, but we can't remember life without him. Our dog, Lucy, adores him and he is tolerant of her affection, drinking water only from her bowl. He takes turns sleeping with different family members and is quick to snuggle with whoever happens to sit on the couch. His feline cousin from Indiana sent him a laser pointer to chase, so when not watching the bird feeder intensely, he's chasing that allusive red dot. Thank you so much for caring for him until we found this big sweetie." Here's another update from the family, who now live in Naples! "He and Lucy don't snuggle together but, as you can see from the photos, enjoy being near each other. We are delighted that he's a member of our family and he (generally) seems to feel the same way. He continues to be his cool self---he even likes what we call "water time," when he pulls Lucy's water bowl to the middle of the kitchen and splashes around. He's getting a little chubby, so we are talking to him about possible New Year's resolutions... A big thank you for taking care of him and suggesting that he might be a good fit for our family!"