To help ensure the best possible match between adopter and pet, and to reduce the possibility of the pet being returned, please answer the following questions before making your decision. Remember, this is a lifetime commitment. You will be asked to sign a legal contract when adopting your pet and submit a non-refundable adoption fee to partially reimburse KSC for vet fees, which may include spaying/neutering (if the pet is four months old or older), feline leukemia/FIV test, distemper and rabies vaccinations, microchip,and deworming.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone
Alt Email
How did you hear about KSC? (friend/family, website/internet search, mobile event, prior adopter) If you previously adopted from KSC please provide year of adoption and name(s) of the cat(s).*
Please tell us: how long you have lived at this address; what type of home (single family, condo, townhouse, apartment); rent or own; name of housing complex if applicable. Proof of landlord permission is required for all rentals.*
Does anyone in your household have any allergies to domestic animals and/or take allergy meds?*
Please list all current pets in the household: Pet's Name, Species, Age, Spayed/Neutered, How Long Owned, Kept Inside/Outside*
Please list former pets in the household: (within last five years) Pet's Name, Species, Age, Spayed/Neutered, How Long Owned, Kept Inside/Outside, Reason for Separation.*
Current Employer*
Is there a KSC cat or cats you would like to meet? Please list.
What kind of cat are you looking for? Please specify gender, age range, personality, and any preferences regarding color and coat length.*
KSC has a policy of requiring all adopted cats be housed indoors. If you wish to take the cat outside, what cat-escape proof enclosure will you provide?*
Are you looking for a declawed cat? If so why/what are your concerns?*
Veterinarian's Name and Phone Number*
Tell us about your past experiences with pets.*
For kittens: How long has it been since you have raised a kitten? Is your house kitten-proofed?*
For senior cats: Do you understand that senior cats often require vet visits twice a year, including blood tests to insure good health? Are you prepared to handle the financial obligation?*
How many people reside in your household? Does everyone agree to adopting a new cat at this time? Who in the household will care for the cat?*
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day*
We are looking for people who will make every effort possible to keep their cat(s) for the entire life of the pet (12-18 years or more). Are you prepared for this obligation?
Your pet may take two months or more to adjust to its new home. Will you allow enough time for the pet to make the adjustment?
Are there behaviors you would find difficult to manage or not tolerate? (litter box issues, not getting along with other pets in the househould, etc.) What steps would you take to remedy the situation?*
What, if any, concerns do you have about adopting?
One cat will cost an average of $1,000 per year in food, litter, and regular medical care (not including emergencies). Are you prepared for this financial obligation? Are you willing and able to provide annual vaccinations and medical care for the cat?*
If you are required to move homes, move out of the state, or out of the country, will you take the cat with you? (Yes, No, NA)*
Have you ever surrendered a pet to an animal shelter/rescue group or rehomed a pet? If so when and why? *
The cat or kittens demeanor may be different upon going home. Many shelter kitties will relax, become playful, and/or let their personality blossom after feeling safe. If the cat is not a good match for your home, the cat MUST be returned to KSC. Do you agree?
KSC microchips all our cats. You will be automatically added as a POC. Do you agree to keep your contact information up-to-date? (KSC remains as a registered contact on all microchips).*
Are there any other concerns you have, that have not been covered? Other information you wish to provide?
Are you planning to surgically declaw? (Declawing is the amputation of the last bone of each of the ten front toes of a cat’s paw. Also, the tendons, nerves, and ligaments that enable normal function and movement of the paw are severed.) * Choose one: Yes No
At the discretion of KSC we may ask for a family member to co-sign your adoption contract. Do you agree? (Yes, No, NA)*
I certify that the above statements are true. I understand my application will be reviewed and I will be informed of King Street Cats' decision via email. I understand that KSC has the right to refuse any applicant. KSC is under no obligation to discuss denials further.