If you are looking for a meaningful way to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, graduation, wedding or a special person in your life, please consider making a gift to King Street Cats. If you know someone who cares deeply for animals why not recognize their compassion by making a donation in their honor? Your donations will help King Street Cats rescue more cats and kittens in need.
Click on the Purple Paw to donate and please email us a note about who your donation is recognizing and we will list it below: contact@kingstreetcats.org.
King Street Cats is very grateful for these gifts received in honor of loved ones, both two and four-legged.
In memory of Woofie and Roscoe, two rescue kitties who lived fabulous second lives on Harrow Cresent Road, donation by Beth Adami
In celebration of the marriage of Lisa and Mike Blair, donation by Andrea B.
In loving memory of Ben Compeau from his parents Mike and Penny, Catherine Compeau, Philip & Kathleen Compeau, Paul & Catherine Compeau, Carole Purcell, Holly Purcell, Christopher & Melody Hess, Gail & Michael Murtagh, Jay & Mary Ann Niles, Joe and Sally Alubiki, Gordon Compeau, The Family of Patrick and Robin Sullivan, Susanne McGovern, and Frances McQueeney
In memory of KSC alum Jacob, deeply cherished by Allie Philips, donation by Kathryn Adler
In loving memory of Camille, adopted from KSC in 2006 as a 16-yr old cat, donation by J. Anderson
A donation in the name of Sunita Satyapal, by Torg Anderson
In memory of Nancy Reinke, donation by J. Artist
In memory of Roscoe, donation by Aston Bauersfeld
In memory of Walter Samul who loved cats and all animals, donation by Maryann Barvinski
In loving memory of Paddy Cake, Parcheesi, Toby, Mei, and Sammy Jammy, donation by L. Bean
In honor of Daniela Renfroe Riggins, long time volunteer at Kings Street Cats and animal lover, on her birthday, donation by Theresa Behler
In memory of Patches, much missed by Julie and Justin Germany, donation by A. Bellotti
In loving memory of my dear friend Stefanie Lawson, donation by Kunegunda Belle
In loving memory of Toby, donation by Laura Nix-Berg
In memory of Martin Desearau, with love Patrick, Kristen and Evan.
In honor of Lisa Gaddy, an awesome KSC volunteer, donation by Jessica Blomgren
In honor of Eddie and Bailey (KSC adoptees), donation by M. Bobbitt
In memory of Vicky Rose (Phoebe), donation by J. Bowser
In memory of Steve Garron's beloved cat Zsa. Congratulations on adopting Fiona and Jamie, donation by Patricia Bradley
In honor of the adoption of Hermia (KSC kitty), donation by her foster mom L. Bremer
Donating in honor of Carrot and his brothers, who are being lovingly fostered by the Cope family, donation by Michael Briggs
In happy memory of Sheba, Nancy's dear companion, from her singing friends, Ellie Briscoe
To celebrate the adoption anniversary of Katara and Rascal from KSC, donation by Carol Brown
In honor of Luana Bossolo and her two kitties adopted from King Street Cats, donation by Angela Brownawell
In loving memory of Minxie, donation by K. Buckley
In celebration of Vivien Bacon's birthday, donation by L.A. Burr
In memory of Archie Hegre, a sweet smart boy, eternal kitten, loved by Samantha Hegre -- donation by Anissa Cadar
In honor of Allan Cagnoli and Marilyn Murphy, donatin by Marisa Cagnoli
In loving memory of KSC alum Daisy Stiff, donation from the Cameron/Horning Family
In honor of The Krogmanns, donation by M. Marino and Chapin
In honor of Whisper and Smoke (formerly Bonkers) (adopted from KSC) 2nd birthdays, donation by their dad, S. Chapman
In honor of Mia Kucey, donatoin by Tamara Christian
In honor of Paige and Andrew's Wedding on May 1, 2010, donation by A. Clark
In memory of Patrice Cochran, donation by Frances Kras, Robert and Kathy Kras, Lauren Peduzzi
In memory of Alyce Marilynn Easley who passed away on 1/3/14, donation by Linda Conaway.
In memory of Rexy and Patches Germany, donation by William Constant
To celebrate the birthday of Barbara Belmont and her KSC, Tellie, donation by Mary C.
In honor of volunteer Karen Carroll, donation by Monsita Correa
In memory of Nina, donation by G. Dalfonzo
In memory of Gabe, donation by G. Dalfonzo
In loving memory of Raggsdale Buffler, from the Dalfonzo family
In memory a cat-lover, Ms. Barbara Hall, who recently passed away but rescued many felines in the neighborhood, donation by Helen Davis
In loving memory of Smoky, from Dru and Keith
In memory of KSC alum Emily, donation by R. DuPont
In honor of Second Chance, donation by R. DuPont
In honor of Lisa Velenovsky, donation by Kevin Dunn
In celebration of Tillie Moreland's birthday, from the Edwards Family
On behalf of David L. Edwards, donation by Jennifer Edwards
In memory of Maya/Bella. Thank you for caring for her and easing her way. And in grateful recognition of Jodie Burns' huge heart, donation by Allison Elder
In memory of a wonderful cat, Rambo, donation by George and Lissa Elliott
In honor of Mittens, and to thank you for bringing her into my life, donation by Evelyn Englander
In memory of Pearlie Walne, donation by Roz and Alan Ferber
In memory of Elizabeth Patton, for her love of cats, from Ryan and Ashton Fisher
In memory of Leroy, donation by Robert Gaddy
In honor of her late mother's birthday, donation by Stacie Gaines
In loving memory of KSC alum Ernie, donation by Julie and Justin Germany
In honor of Jasmine’s (and her angel brother Patches) 15th birthday tomorrow (May 8th), donation by Julie Germany
In honor of Dove & Hershey (now Bella) and Chance (now Tubby), donation by Andrea and Tim Gold
in honor of Holly Garrett's high school graduation from TC Williams, donation by Donna Gold
In honor of Charlie Maline's Bar Mitzvah, donation by E. Gollomp
In memory of 21-year-old Missy, deeply cherished by the Regignano family, donation by Eileen Gottlieb
In honor of CAPT Sean Murtagh, USCG on his retirement, donation by Patti Gross
In memory of Sirikit Crenshaw Van Fleet, 20-yr old Siamese kitty who passed away mid-January in her sleep, donation by S. Schotta and L. Gude
Donations made in loving memory of Marv Gurganus from A. Cunningham, Arch and Lisa McCleskey, M. Williams, Dana and Ed Rengers, Jessica and Joseph Ygbuhay, Rob and Leigh Williams and Margaret Fawcett, Danielle and Hunter Leake, Michelle and Garrett Kokal, Arch and Lisa McCleskey, Brett Bergen, Michelle Donohue, Melissa Marie, Maxeen King, Mark Friese, Susan Friese, Carolann Oconnor, Roger Costa, Sarah Baldino, Alyssa Feole, Janice Ducharme, Evelyn Gambeta, Meredith Donnelly, Jessica Rengers, Meaghan Fry, Caitlin Moody, Cindy Harlow, The Volchansky family, The Shell family, The Pfaff family, Lois Gruendl, Sharon Henssen, Shawn Segreti, Alison Smith, Blair Long's friends and colleagues at the State Department, Leora Marron and all friends at Tax Consultants of North America, Spencer Bates, Rock and Noelle Blanco, and The Thoet Family Foundation
In memory of Mrs. Marion Paden, a cat lover, donation by G. Habeger
In the name of S. Miller, donation by B. Hal
In honor of S. Miller and her love for kitties, donation by B. Hals
In loving memory of KSC volunteer Laura Harris, donations by Rebecca Haynes (for her kitties Thunder, Toast, and Marmalade), Margaret Harris, and Virginia Trovato.
In memory of Beatrice Velenovsky, donation by L. Hayashi
In honor Dr. Patricia Zissios, Principal of Lyles Crouch Traditional Academy, donation by The Hazzard Family
In honor of Dr. Zissios, donation by The Hazzards
In loving memory of Robert Moss, who proved that cat was man’s best friend, donation by Julie Hembeck
In memory of Danute Debney's mother and Zosha, donation by Pamela Henderson
In honor of Dr Zissios, principal at Lyles Crouch Traditional Academy, donation by Tricia Holley
In honor of C. Epple and A. Barton's marriage, donation by G. Hupp
In memory of Pooly, she was adored and loved for 16 wonderful years. Thanks for being a sweet feline friend to Madchen, donation by Kim Ho
In memory of Virginia Brubaker, donation by C. & J. Ireland
In honor of Tam Lin, donation by his forever family The Jacobys
In honor of Sunny Day, from cousin Elizabeth Jewell
In honor of Liz Appel and John Kaufhold, donation by K. Jough
In celebration of the wedding of Lisa and Mike Blair, donation by Susan K
In memory of Winston Steele Bobbitt, a very handsome, wise and wonderful cat companion to Ms. Millie Bobbitt, donation by J. King
In memory of Dorthy Cotton, a longtime Alexandria resident and homeless animal advocate, donation by Janet King
In memory of Lexi Lemke who had the cutest ballerina feet, donation by Janet King.
In memory of Manny, donation by Michelle Kitt
In memory of Ann Gallotta, donation by Joint Forces Staff College Seminar 17-4
In honor of volunteer Andrea Cerino, donation by Julie Klein
In memory of Baily, a wonderful cat, donation by Verleah Koskloske
In honor of amazing volunteer and wonderful foster mom Andrea Cerino, donation by Julie and Robert Klein
In memory of Jingo (adopted from KSC in 2003), donation by C. Gold and K Kneff
In honor of Riggs and in memory of Shrew (Mr. & Mrs. Vince and Sally Horning's cats), donation by J. Krabill
In celebration of Liz Appel and John Kaufhold's wedding, donation by M. O'Mearas and the Kruses
In honor of Josephine T’s first birthday!, donation by Taryn Kurtanich
In celebration of Liz Appel and John Kaufold's wedding, donation by E. Lane
In honor of Brittany Beth, donations by Allison Landers
In memory of Pirelli Late (KSC kitty previously named Oreo), donation by M. Late
In memory of Maximus, KSC alum, donation by Dawn Latham.
In memory of Rascal, KSC alum, donation by Dawn Latham.
In memory of Lola, KSC alum, donation by Dawn Latham.
In honor of her mother, a donation by T. Lawson
In honor Liz Appel and John Kaufhold's Wedding on August 21, 2010, donation by J. Lee
In loving memory of Bowie, who always looked so handsome in his little bowtie and made us smile, Kristen and Matt Lenkowsky
In honor of Stormy's 4-Year Adoptiversary, donation by Sarah Lindblom
In honor of V. Bacon birthday, donation by H. Liu
In memory of Jean Grey, donation by Cassandra Lopez
Congratulations to Eden Orelove — an expert in collection guides and travel guides, and always our friend — on taking the next step in her amazing career. Donation by Team LASSB and friends
In honor of M. Howell's birthday, donation by W. Marcinak
In honor of Eva (former KSC kitty known as Mia), donation by A. Martens
This donation is in honor of Jackson Galaxy's feral cat named Alex and the extra special bond they shared by Kathleen Anne Martin
In memory of Oscar Mault, donation by S. Mault-Weir
In memory of sweet Nellie, donation by Rick and Ellen Miles
In honor of volunteer Lisa Stansbury Morgan, for her birthday, donation by Elizabeth Morgan.
In honor of Lisa Stansbury and Tom Morgan, for their birthdays, donation by Elizabeth Morgan.
In honor of David and Sarah Ziegler, donation by J. Morgan
In honor of Amy Gallagher & James Jacocks' wedding, donation by S. Moulton
In memory of Sammy Phillips, donation by Melissa Murphy
In memory of Jill Krogmann, long-time animal lover, volunteer and supporter of KSC. She will be missed. Donation by Melissa Murphy
In memory of Ann Gallotta, donation by Katherine Mutty
In memory of Nick Shiffman, the recently passed kitty of KSC volunteer Joellen Shiffman, donation by Jean-Marie Navetta.
In honor of Walker Junior and Laney (aka Justice and Freedom), donation by Monument Wealth Mangement (Kate Andes)
In memory of Max Stat, donation by Pam and Steve Nelson.
In honor of Harvey and Ace, and Leif, who has provided a wonderful and loving home to the orange boys. You three make life so much more fun, donation by Christine N.
In honor of Renee O'Brien, donation by James O'Brien.
In honor of Gail Joice, in memory of Fiona, Chessie and Magnum donation by Christine Oricchio
In memory of KSC alum Chloe, a fine and loving cat, donation by the Permenter Family.
In memory of Bailey (adopted from KSC in 2008 as Bebe) who passed far too soon in October 2015. He was very loved by his mom Millie and feline brother Eddie. Donation by A. Phillips
In memory of Shuri, donation by A. Phillips
In memory of Ashes, Lionhart and Mr. Reds, donation by A. Phillips
In memory of Sammy Phillips, donation by his mom A. Phillips
In memory of Mei Murphy, adopted from KSC by Melissa Murphy, donation by A. Phillips
In memory of Leia, adopted from KSC, donation by A. Phillips
In memory of Paddy Cake Liu, adopted from KSC by Helen Liu, donation by A. Phillips
In memory of Otis Latham, Patches Lineberry, and Madeline & Amelia Gradnigo, donation by A. Phillips
In memory of Patches, much missed by Julie and Justin Germany, donation by A. Phillips.
In memory of Gretta (adopted from KSC in October 2000), who went over the Rainbow Bridge on August 12, 2010, donation by her family, The Pilarinos
In memory of Mary Martin with thanks for her loving kindness to both people and cats, from Martha Poehler
In memory of Rebecca Parks Moist, donation by Potomac Woman's Club
In honor of Bon Bon and in memory of Tabatha, donation by Jennifer Rackley
In memory of Pam Alesky who was my best friend in high school many years ago, donation by Jackie Rettberg
In memory of Tuxie, a brave little soldier now happily reunited with his buddy Pringle, donation by Jamie Rice
In honor of Molly Ritter and Donald Arthur, donation by Lindsay Ritter
In honor of Diamond and Princess from Baltimore County Animal services. Thanks for all you do to help the helpless at BCAS, donation by Jody Rosoff
In memory of Sierra Ross, donation by Brooke Ross
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Mark and Gina Ruttle, a Christmas gift donation by Mr. & Mrs. S. Sayers
In memory of Sammy Phillips, donation by Teresa & Ginger Scalzo
In memory of Martin Dansereau, donation by Edward Juddo husband of Kristine Sedey
A yearly thank you for Ariel, donation by Aleda and Bill Schaffner
In honor of Lissa and George Elliott, donation by William Schilling
In honor of Barbara Belmont's birthday, donation by Merrie Schippereit
To celebrate the adoption of The Voice kittens: Usher, Blake and Polly, donation by Judy Schultheis
In memory of Georgia May Sovern, donation by Judy Schultheis
In memory of Duchess, Amanda Barton-Eppel's much loved and spoiled cat, donation by Judy Schultheis
In memory of Duke Bepple, Amanda Barton-Eppel's much loved and spoiled cat, donation by Judy Schultheis
In memory of Alvira Schultheis, donation by Judy Schultheis
In memory of Rocky, former KSC resident and her beloved cat, donation by Judy Schultheis
In honor of Dorothy Virginia Grubbs, donation by Bruce Schulze
In honor of Rosemary Sherburne, donation by John Sherburne
In loving memory of Cally, donation by Marilyn Smith
In memory of Colleen Whealdon-Haught, donation by J. Solomon
In honor of Alex Jacocks & Amy Gallagher's upcoming wedding, donation by V. Sopenski
In honor of T. Fahsl, donation by A. Stankovic
In memory of Pepper Carpenter, donation by The Stauffers
In memory of Tessa, beloved cat of Sonny Manser & Janies Smith, donation by The Stauffers
In loving memory of Nar and Don Steel, donation by Bruce and Joyce Steel
In memory of her beloved husband R.F. Dodd and her father G.L. Stelluto, donation by GC Stelluto
In memory of Boomer, donation by The Stiffs
In loving memory of Cleopatra, who died at age 20, donation by E. Stone
In memory of Moses, cat extraordinaire beloved by Marianne and Peter Martz, donatoin by Joanna Stover
In memory of Joanne Gunn's kitty Elizabeth, donation by Joanna Stover
In honor of A. Phillips, donation by Suffolk Humane Society
In honor of Martin Dansereau, donation by Van Thai-Paquette
In memory of Nala, KSC's resident cat, donation by Mr. and Mrs. J. Trout
In recognition of volunteer Bonnie Turpen's dedication to cat rescue by Urban Institute's Newsletter Team
In memory of William Albertson of Seattle Washington, donation by Mr. & Mrs. F. Valdez
In memory of Virginia Brubaker, donations by E & B Shafer, K. Lautman, L. Petrovic, J & S Romagna, and W. Kilpatrick, A. Grigg, P. Chadwic, B. Holloman, L. Casselberry, Virginia Grand Military Band, Inc.
In loving memory of Patty Nece's cat Sadie, donation by Edward Waldman
In loving memory of Minxie, donation by Mr. & Mrs. G & C. Walne
In memory of Christie Walne Taylor, donation by G&C Walne
In loving memory of Rambo, donation by G&C Walne
In memory of Rebecca Moist, donation by B. Washburn
In honor of Dr. Anne-Marie Lewis (VCA Old Town), donation by Kimberly Weir in recognition of her loving care for Chou Chou Weir
In memory of Razzle and Dazzle Stauffer, donation by Kimberly Weir
In celebration of Liz Appel and John Kaufhold's wedding, donation by F. Brown, C. and J. Appel, L. and J. Appel, Y. and T. Appel, and R. and K. Weisenseel
In memory of Big Boy, donation by K. Wenkt
In memory of Milli and Penny, two beautiful girls who brought much love and joy to their family, donation by Ann Westover.
Welcome to the family Chicory. Love, Karen, Baby, and Cheddar (Wilder)
In memory of Esther Gimp, cousin of Evelyn Englander, donation by Elizabeth Williams
In honor of Jaime Stephens' birthday, donation by Pam Williams
In memory of John S. Holik who passed away in May, 2016, donation by Raymond Wolfe.
In memory Xavier Miles, donation by Donna Wong.
In memory of Jarvis, donation by Sara, Toni and Tanya Zastrow.
In memory of my sister Delilah Zeitzer's beloved Furpal, donation by Diana Zeitzer.
In memory of beloved orange tabby Bacchus, donation by Susan Zimmermann