

Is the cat you found outdoors a stray or feral? If you can easily pet the cat it might just be lost. Check your neighborhood for any lost cat flyers and take it to the vet to check for a microchip. If it has no family then you can call a local rescue group to see if they have room to take it in. If you cannot approach the cat then it is likely to be a feral and would not enjoy living indoors. The best thing you can do is trap the cat, take it to a clinic to be sterilized, and then return it to its habitat (TNR). Check out Alley Cat Allies for details.

For feral moms with kittens, it is best to leave the kittens with their mom until they are about 6 weeks old. Provide food and water in a regular spot. Contact a local rescue about taking the kittens when they are ready. Please then trap the mom and get her TNR'd so that she does not have more kittens. Check out Animal Alliance for details.

Check out this video by Jackson Galaxy on feral cats.

Emergency 24-Hour Vet Care in Alexandria

Columbia Pike Animal Hospital
4205 Evergreen Ln, Annandale, VA 22003

1628A Belle View Blvd, Alexandria, VA 22307

Help Lost Cats Find Their Way Home

Do you know what to do if your "Indoor Cat" gets lost outside? Read "A Guide to Finding Your Lost Indoor Cat".

2016 Kitty Convict ProjectOrange is the new black for cats? For lost cats it is. The "Kitty Convict Project" has come up with a great idea to help lost cats find their way home: make sure that the cat is wearing an orange collar so people know it belongs to someone and can take action.


King Street Cats is proud to be participating partner in People Saving Pets™, to help promote adoptions, spaying and neutering, volunteerism, and donating to help homeless pets in our community.

City of Alexandria Spay/Neuter Program for Pets of Low-Income Residents


The #1 Reason Cats are Surrendered to Shelters
Dr. Becker, DVM

Inappropriate elimination is the number one reason owners give for relinquishing their cat to an animal shelter. It also accounts for 50 percent of all reported feline behavior problems. The three main causes for feline inappropriate elimination are a medical problem, urine marking, and aversion to the litter box. Read more

American Association of Feline Practitioners

The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) has released a brochure, “Feline House-Soiling: Useful Information for Cat Owners,” which describes the causes, treatment, management, and prevention of house-soiling. Cat owner education is the key to resolving house-soiling behaviors. The AAFP’s brochure emphasizes that cats do not urinate or defecate outside their litter box due to spite or anger towards the owner, but because its physical, social, or medical needs are not being met. The brochure gives cat owners practical tips and information on four basic causes of house-soiling, designing the optimal litter box and removing marking triggers. Read the brochure in full HERE.


Did you know that in many European countries declawing is banned and in Israel it could land you in jail? Please read the articles below before you consider declawing your cat. Declawing can cause life-long behavioral issues, including peeing outside the litter box, spraying and biting.


WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT: Some cats are so shocked by declawing that their personalities change. Cats who were lively and friendly have become withdrawn and introverted after being declawed. Others, deprived of their primary means of defense, become nervous, fearful, and/or aggressive, often resorting to their only remaining means of defense, their teeth. In some cases, when declawed cats use the litterbox after surgery, their feet are so tender they associate their new pain with the box…permanently, resulting in a life-long aversion to using the litter box. Other declawed cats that can no longer mark with their claws, they mark with urine instead resulting in inappropriate elimination problems, which in many cases, results in relinquishment of the cats to shelters and ultimately euthanasia. Read more


There are many solutions to problem cat scratching that do not involve declawing… Cats will always scratch, it is in their nature. The key is to provide your cat with a post that he/she prefers over your furniture. Read more


One of the main reasons we get cats given up is due to a pregnancy or the arrival of a new baby. Before you consider surrendering your cat, please read the facts. Download Pet Meets Baby and learn how you can integrate a new baby with your pets. An article in the Psychiatric Times has shown that children who grow up with pets have better social skills, experience less depression, and are more humane in the treatment of others. A blog from Pets Best also encourages keeping babies and pets together. But don't just take our word for it:


Dr. Laura Mosoriak, DVM (Kingstowne Cat Clinic, Alexandria, VA
Baby with catI work as a veterinarian at a feline exclusive vet clinic and I also have 2 cats and 2 children. Our children are 2.5yrs and 3 weeks old. We have never had any issues between the cats and our kids. Our cats have never been a threat to our kids even though our toddler chases them and makes lots of loud noises! They have never shown any signs of aggression. If the cats are irritated by anything the kids are doing (being loud, running, crying, etc), they will hide or go to another room until things calm down and they seem to be content with that. They still hang out with us and are as friendly as they were before we had children. Read more


Jennifer White Gradnigo
Gradnigo BabyI've always had pets, however, my husband has not (and wasn't a huge fan of cats) so I had some concerns when I got pregnant. Thankfully, my husband grew to love our furry girls, Amelia and Madeline (who were adopted from King Street Cats), and had no problem cleaning the litter box while I was pregnant (and for a few months after giving birth!). He kept the box very clean to prevent tracking throughout our house and on me while pregnant. My furry girls kept me company throughout my pregnancy and seemed to find a way around my big belly to sit on my lap. Read more


We all know that first impressions count so please take the time to learn about how to introduce your new cat or kitten to his or her new siblings, be they feline or canine. A little planning and patience on your part will pay off in the long run. The Humane Society has some excellent tips on how to assimilate your newcomer so that in no time you'll be posting photos of your happy family on Facebook. Read more


You might not like to think about it but its important to make plans for your pets in case something happens to you. Check out this article for details on how you can provide for your pets here.
Please note: These links are provided for general information purposes only. They are not intended to replace your regular veterinarian's advice, diagnosis or treatment. We are not responsible for the opinions or content presented in linked websites.

Contact Us for Further Information or Questions.

We look forward to helping you find your Best Feline Friend.


CATegorical Care: An Owners Guide to America's #1 Companion

Cat Safe Plants
: What exactly are cat safe plants?

Is Human Food Safe for Your Cat?
What you should know

Cat Symptom Checker: Match Your Cat’s Symptoms to Health Conditions

Pets Meets Baby: A Guide for Families

Action Kit: Advocating for TNR in Your Community

Essential Info for First Time Cat Parents by Jessica Brody 

An Adoption Success Story...Shy Darla.
by Jed and Brenda DuVall

Do hypoallergenic cats really exist?

Creating a Cat-Friendly Home

Search for pet-friendly rental apartments across the US at PadMapper

Pet Cost Guide for 2017 from The Simple Dollar

Delayed Weaning Reduces Behavioral Problems in cats 

A New Owners Guide to Adopting a Cat or Kitten

Should Adoption Be Your Option?